Parody t-shirts.

Find all the models in the shop.

C.E.D.B. music video is done!

All the infos here

The "NO Cap"

The tool that will help you in so many situations. Discover all the colors clicking here

Exhibition at "La Boverie"

Giov’ is the guy who does professional and personal projects around music. Limited editions of screen-printed gig posters, t-shirts with sometimes dubious slogans, music videos, gig’s pics, video reports… So, enjoy visiting and if you like what you see and want to boost the image of your band, Giov’ would probably be your guy.

first look

These days, I am more into t-shirts

T-shirt button
Poster button
Goodies button

Giov’ is a pure metalhead born in Liège – Belgium – whose work DNA revolves around music, of all genres. He studied graphic design at St-Luc Brussels in 1999, and in 2009, exhausted from always seeing only skulls in metal visuals, he learned screen printing on his own and started to print gig posters. He then printed t-shirts, goodies, which he also exhibits in Germany, the USA, Spain, Austria, …. In his production, he choses to break the codes of the genre and decides to do as he pleases, as long as it makes him laugh. In 2019, he also adds the art of music videos and videography to his skills. He lives and works in Liège – Belgium. All is about music and fun, or rather fun and music

Vous avez étés très nombreux à me demander de réaliser des workshops d’initiation à la sérigraphie. Les premières séances ont eu lieu avec beaucoup de fun. La prochaine séance aura lieu le samedi 22 octobre 2022 de 9 à 15h ou avant cette date sur simple demande (3 candidats minimum). Il y a 6 places disponibles pour maximiser la qualité de l’encadrement. Toutes les infos sur les séances et les types d’ateliers dans l’onglet “Shop” puis menu “Ateliers de sérigraphie”. 


Many of you have asked me to do introductory screen printing workshops. The first sessions were very fun. The next session will take place saturday 22 october 2022 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m or before that date on simple request (3 candidates minimum). There are 6 places available to maximize supervision. All the info on sessions and different types of workshops are in “Shop” menu, then “Ateliers de sérigraphie”.

From any graphic design production to screenprinting on any support to videography, if you like what you see on this website, don’t hesitate to contact Giov’. He is open to any projects (music or not) and is also, may be, the last person on earth to love e-mails. Really.

last jobs

As you notice, I like to print on different media

Ta gueule
Kill Auto tune users - 6 precepts
Dream button

Contact us

We love e-mails. Really!